The last Holy Day in the month of January is that of the Three Holy Hierarchs - Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom (known as Golden Tongue). In the Troparion for the feast day we sing "Teachers of the world, of one mind with the apostles, intercede with the Lord of all to grant peace to the world, and abundant mercy to our souls." Who are these three saints and why does the Byzantine Catholic Church honor them? As teachers and leaders of the early church, these men continued to hold fast to the truths taught by Jesus Christ through the Apostles. Guided by the Holy Spirit, they taught with fervor and joy. They continued to preach of the wonders of the heavens, and the glories that await those who remain steadfast to the teachings of Jesus Christ bringing to people of their generation, and to the modern generations, through their writings, the Word of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Gregory the Theologian upheld the teaching of the Holy Trinity - One God and three persons. Basil the Great and John Chrysostom have left to us The Divine Liturgy. Throughout the Liturgical year, the prayers of these two men are sung in the Byzantine Catholic tradition. The words written so long ago still are relevant today to those of us who yearn to meet Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and love the beauty of God's house. Spend some time reading the words of these early church fathers. Many of their works can be found on-line. Better yet, attend a Divine Liturgy and sing the words of these great church fathers, as they continue to lead a new generation to Jesus.